Kathy Lovan & Denis McClish

Meet Maggie


Am GRCH Esmonds Million Dollar Baby TT, CGC
OFA Certification

Maggie in the BOB ring at the 2012 ARC National.

Maggie & Perry, Major in Dallas

Maggie at 11 months old

Maggie telling the judge what she thinks of him for
not picking her!

Maggie’s first major in Houston Tx

Maggie having fun at Camp Payson.

Maggie in the pool for her first water play time.

2nd major in Houston Tx same weekend

Maggie showing Grampa Yngo is alive and well.

Maggie sunning in the backyard

Maggie at 11 months old

Maggie says what Pine tree? It is NOT my fault Perry said he wanted to get rid of it and it was FUN!